Shipping & Returns

Shipping Policies

Your order will be shipped to you fully insured. We urge all customers to inspect your package for damage or tampering before receiving or signing for receipt.

When Will Your Order Be Shipped?

To help you plan when to expect your order, you'll find an estimated arrival date listed in the product details for each item. This arrival date is calculated based on the approximate number of days required to process, package, and deliver your order. For all available products, the arrival date is listed on the detail pages.

  • If you place your order before the cutoff time on a regular business day (Monday through Friday), your order will begin processing that day.
  • If you place an order on a holiday, Saturday or Sunday, or after the cutoff on a regular business day, your order will begin processing the following business day.

Shipping to Alternate Addresses

If you will not be home to sign for your order, Starrays Diamond can ship your order to your place of work, or another more convenient destination. To help expedite your order, simply call your issuing bank and provide them with your alternate shipping address.
If you cannot be available, or have someone else available to sign for your package, you can have it shipped as per our shipment.

Delivery Details

Your order delivery method is determined by the price of your order (before tax). You'll find your method of free shipping listed on the Shipping Information page within the shopping basket.

Gift Packaging

For a special touch, we'll include a free gift card and enclose your item in our distinctive Starrays Diamond packaging. From our classic ring presentation boxes to our soft jewelry pouches, every item arrives presentation-ready.

Shipping Options

  • Starrays Diamond will only ship to given address.
  • Signature requirements for delivery of any type of jewellery.

Shipment of Jewelry

Each item will be placed in jewelry box and then in a fabric pouch.

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